
Business Value Roadmap


Are you ready to take your business to the next level but aren’t sure how to get there and what next steps will bring the most value? Leverage 5P Consulting’s Business Value Roadmap; a tool designed by our CEO, Y’vonne, and backed by the Lean Six Sigma approach to identify and prioritize functional changes to your business in order to reveal revenue-maximizing opportunities. 

The Business Value Roadmap helps you define business needs and the impact of not taking those improvements forward. 

Each recommendation should have an ROI mapped to revenue, efficiency, defects, maintenance and compliance. You’ll be guided through defining the functionality and systems your business needs, determining the value each of those brings, and the impact they have on your business. 

Once you’ve filled out each section, you’ll have access to pre-built graphs that allow you to visually see which functions will have the most impact and value to your business. Backed with data, this tool takes the guesswork out, makes the decision-making process a lot easier, and provides more clarity on a pathway forward. Check out this video we created to help you utilize the roadmap tool guide which will help you design areas of your business that you’d like to change by prioritizing things based on specific business values!

5P Consulting is all about helping businesses improve efficiency through cloud and technology solutions designed to get your business to the next level. We hope this tool helps you, and we are here to support whatever your needs may be. Don’t hesitate to reach out for a free consultation to get you started.

Download Roadmap Here:

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