Y’vonne Ormond Featured in San Diego Woman Magazine

This month in the San Diego Woman Magazine, 5P’s CEO, Y’vonne Ormond has been selected as a Woman of Distinction! The San Diego Woman Magazine was started 14 years ago as a premier woman’s publication with history and purpose of highlighting the many amazing women making a difference in the community and informing, entertaining, and featuring the women of San Diego.



“As a native, I am so excited to be able to build a business in San Diego, the city I love, and provide jobs for San Diegans. I have had the pleasure of bringing many of the lovely people that used to work with me over my career to our company and create something which is unique and client-focused.”

“When you look at all that Y’vonne does for her employees and her community it is obvious that this is one very dynamic and caring woman. San Diego needs more companies like 5P Consulting and more business owners like Y’vonne Ormond.”

To read the entire publication visit the link below to or jump directly to Y’vonne’s highlight on pages 26-27 to learn more about her experience growing up in San Diego and building a business to support the community.

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